AP Monthly Staff Photo Contest

Each month The Associated Press management honors photographers for outstanding photo coverage while on assignment.

The Winners for the July 2015 AP Staff Photo Contest are Sebastian Scheiner in News Photography for “Gay Pride Attack,” Alvaro Barrientos, Andres Kudacki and Daniel Ochoa de Olza in Feature Photography for “San Fermin,” and Laurent Cipriani, Peter Dejong and Christophe Ena for “Tour de France.”

Congratulations to all the photographers for their outstanding work. This month’s winning images are featured below.


News Photography | Gay Pride Attack by Sebastian Scheiner


Feature Photography | San Fermin by Alvaro Barrientos, Andres Kudacki and Daniel Ochoa de Olza


Sports Photography | Tour de France by Laurent Cipriani, Peter Dejong and Christophe Ena


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